We are committed to improving our gender balance, with a focus on the recruitment, retention and advancement of women.
For full information please refer to our 2024 Annual Report & Accounts (PDF, 19.0 MB) and Sustainability data sheet (xlsx, 1.3 MB).
Following publication in March 2019, the Rose Review has made real progress in implementing the eight initiatives recommended. Working closely with HM Treasury, the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy, and numerous public and private sector organisations, the initiatives have started to make a tangible impact in breaking down the barriers to female entrepreneurship in the UK. We published an Update Report in March 2022 for the Rose Review.
Our Diversity, Equity and Inclusion strategy (PDF, 143 KB) is focused on ensuring that our people policies and processes are inclusive and accessible – from how we attract and recruit, to how we reward and engage colleagues. We’re confident in our approach and through time it will help us achieve a better balance of diversity and continue our work to be an inclusive bank.
Read about our Gender employee-led network here.