
This page will be updated shortly. Please see our 2024 Annual Report and Accounts (PDF, 19.0 MB) and our 2024 Sustainability Report (PDF, 8.6 MB) for the latest announcements.

Our materiality assessment

We understand the importance of responsible environmental, social, and governance (ESG) practices to our strategy and how our stakeholders play an essential role in ensuring we can succeed. We engage with our stakeholders to review the key ESG-related topics that matter most to them.

Our approach to identify key ESG topics for our stakeholders

Our approach to our ESG materiality assessment is to conduct a ‘full refresh’ of our ESG topics every three years through engaging with our key stakeholder groups. During 2023, following a full refresh in 2021, we reviewed our key topics through consideration of peer reviews, internal megatrends analysis, sustainability frameworks, industry ESG developments, and insight sessions with external experts.

The link below includes our key ESG topics which are underpinned by robust risk management, business ethics and corporate governance. Our approach to consider a broad range of ESG topics guides our thinking and decision-making, ensuring we remain focused on the right issues and build long-term value in our business. We’ll continue to engage with our stakeholders to re-evaluate our key ESG topics regularly.

Our progress against each of the key ESG topics identified varies, as reflected in the related disclosures. In addition to the topics listed below, we have identified emerging topics which we will continue to work on, and further develop our ability to measure and deliver against our stakeholder expectations. These include nature and biodiversity, social impacts of lending, and artificial intelligence and ethical use of data.

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Information Message

Read more about how we are working to embed and integrate the SDGs into our strategy.

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Read more about how the diverse awards we have reinforce our determination in aiming to make a difference for our stakeholders. 

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