
This page will be updated shortly. Please see our 2024 Annual Report and Accounts (PDF, 19.0 MB) and our 2024 Sustainability Report (PDF, 8.6 MB) for the latest announcements.

Accessible banking

a white woman with down syndrome, wearing a pink shirt and green apron, smiling as she works with plants in a plant shop

We recognise that everyone’s needs are different, so we aim to make banking as accessible as possible for our customers, including those with disabilities, impairments and long-term health conditions.

In June 2023, we hosted the Business Disability Forum’s Back to the Future conference, where our executive sponsor for disability, Oliver Holbourn, CEO of RBS International, gave a keynote speech and set out NatWest Group’s vision for an accessible bank by design.

‘By an accessible bank by design, I mean a bank where everyone thinks first whether everyone can access a customer or colleague journey in an easy, fair and safe way.’

- Oliver Holbourn, CEO RBS International and NatWest Group Executive Sponsor for Disability 

Digital accessibility

In April 2023, the NatWest Group Executive Committee approved a plan to embed digital accessibility across our processes and practices. They support our approach to become an accessible bank by design across our customer digital touchpoints, including our app, online banking and web pages.

For more examples of how we’ve improved digital accessibility in 2023 for our customers, please see our 2023 ESG Disclosures Report.

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