
NatWest Markets Plc Board of Directors

The Board of Directors is appointed by NatWest Group to manage the affairs of NatWest Markets and is responsible for the long-term success of the entity and the delivery of sustainable value to NatWest Group as shareholder.

Our Board’s role is to provide leadership of NatWest Markets within a framework of prudent and effective controls which enables risk to be assessed and managed; set the strategic aims of NatWest Markets and its subsidiaries; monitor and oversee the embedding of NatWest Markets' culture and values; and ensure compliance with the statutory, regulatory and fiduciary obligations associated with NatWest Markets' activities and with its status as a separate legal entity independently authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority and Financial Conduct Authority.

Frank Dangeard

Frank Dangeard

Chair of the Board and Chair of the Nominations & Governance Committee

Information Message

Tamsin Rowe

Tamsin Rowe

Non-Executive Director and Chair of the Performance and Remuneration Committee

Information Message

Anne Simpson

Anne Simpson

Non-Executive Director. Chair of the Audit Committee and interim Chair of the Board Risk Committee

Information Message

Sabrina Wilson

Sabrina Wilson

Non-Executive Director

Information Message

Jonathan Peberdy

Jonathan Peberdy

Executive Director

Information Message

Simon Lowe

Simon Lowe

Executive Director

Information Message

Sarah Beddows

Sarah Beddows

Company Secretary

Information Message

Our Board

The Board has seven directors comprising the Chairman, four independent non-executive directors and two executive directors.

The Board is collectively responsible for the long-term success of NatWest Markets and delivery of sustainable shareholder value. Its role is to provide leadership of NatWest Markets within a framework of prudent and effective controls which enables risks to be assessed and managed.

Our Board Committees

In order to provide effective oversight and leadership, the Board has established a number of Board committees with particular responsibilities, these are outlined below:

Audit Committee

The Audit Committee assists the Board in discharging its responsibilities for monitoring the quality of the financial statements of NatWest Markets. It reviews the accounting policies, financial reporting and regulatory compliance practices of NatWest Markets and NatWest Markets' systems and standards of internal controls, and monitors the work of internal audit and external audit.

Board Risk Committee

The Board Risk Committee provides oversight and advice to the Board on current and potential future risk exposures of NatWest Markets and its subsidiaries and future risk strategy. It reviews NatWest Markets' compliance with approved risk appetite and tolerance and oversees the operation and effectiveness of the NatWest Markets Policy Framework.

Performance and Remuneration Committee

The Performance and Remuneration Committee is responsible for establishing the NatWest Group-wide Remuneration Policy within NatWest Markets and reviewing the effectiveness of its implementation. It also considers performance and remuneration arrangements for the ExCo, the senior risk and compliance officer and high earners within NatWest Markets, material risk takers (MRTs) and other NatWest Markets employees. The committee makes recommendations to the Board on the remuneration of executive directors.

Nominations & Governance Committee

The Nominations & Governance Committee assists the Board in the selection and appointment of directors. It reviews the structure, size and composition of the Board, and the membership and chairship of Board committees. It considers succession planning taking into account the skills and expertise which will be needed on the Board in the future.