

In February 2015 The Royal Bank of Scotland announced changes to our business which will see RBS become a more focused bank that is sustainable in the long-term by having a more client focused product offering and reduced geographical footprint. At the same time we said we will re-focus our transaction banking services offering on our home market capabilities in the UK and Ireland.

This means RBS is no longer providing global transaction services, including bank accounts, payments, electronic banking, cash management and trade finance services (together “GTS Arrangements”) outside of the United Kingdom and Ireland or from the GTS International Platform in the United Kingdom and Ireland (1) and that the RBS presence in selected geographies has been ended.

In this context we have undertaken an extensive client communication process to facilitate the closure of our international network.

Contact Details

If your have any claims to be made please contact the local appointed agent PWC by submitting a claim at:

Ms. Ornjira Tangwongyodying (email: ornjira.tangwongyodying@pwc.com: Tel:02-844-1118)

Ms. Nopajaree Wattananukit (email: nopajaree.wattananukit@pwc.com: Tel: 02-844-1396)

PricewaterhouseCoopers Legal & Tax Consultants Ltd.
15th Floor Bangkok City Tower,
179/74-80 South Sathorn Road,
Bangkok 10120
Fax: 02-286-2666


If you have any queries related to the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), please contact our Subject Access Request Team on SARS@natwestmarkets.com or by mail to the following address:


NatWest Markets PLC 
Attn: NatWest Markets Privacy Officer
2nd Floor
1 Hardman Boulevard
M3 3AQ
United Kingdom

For any employee or ex-employee related GDPR requests please contact SARsManchester@rbs.co.uk



(1)This excludes services provided through The Royal Bank of Scotland International Limited (RBS International) in Jersey, Isle of Man, Guernsey, Gibraltar and Luxembourg. More information can be found here.