
Financial Wellbeing

Lady in green top and glasses teaching a class

Our ambition is to support the financial wellbeing of our customers and communities and to turn possibilities into progress. By working to create a society which is financially confident and resilient, we want to empower people to take control of their finances and their futures, and to make the most of their money.

Digital tools supporting financial wellbeing

We offer a range of digital tools and features that can support customers to improve their financial wellbeing. We offer customers personalised coaching plans based on their unique financial situation, and highlight in-app tools such as Savings Goals, Round Ups and Know Your Credit Score.


These tools have been at the centre of our approach to supporting customer financial wellbeing, and have been fundamental to our ambition, set in 2023, to help 10 million people, per year, manage their financial wellbeing by 2027.


In 2024, we’ve helped 7.8 million (1) people to manage their financial wellbeing. We plan to review our financial wellbeing ambition during 2025 in the context of our evolving strategy. Underlying banking products and features in our financial wellbeing ambition will continue to be offered unless otherwise specified. 


Refer to our 2024 Sustainability Basis of Reporting for more information on the financial wellbeing metric.

People helped to manage their financial wellbeing in 2024


7.8m (*)

(2023: 6m)

Our 2024 target was to help 7 million people manage their financial wellbeing. 

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Young people reached through our NatWest Thrive programme


in 2024

Our 2024 target was to reach 1 million young people, to improve their financial wellbeing and help them feel more confident about their future.

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a Man in a white shirt and glasses teaching a class

Financial education programmes

Financial Foundations Workshops

Our free Financial Foundations workshops are designed to help participants take control of their money and future. In 2024 we worked with public and private sector commercial customers to deliver Financial Foundations workshops, with trained bank volunteers delivering workshops totalling 270 hours of support. 

Children participating in a MoneySense session


NatWest Thrive MoneySense is our free financial education programme that aims to help 5-to-18-year-olds learn about money and prepare for a better financial future.

In 2024, we engaged with teachers and young people through events such as Global Money Week, Mental Health Awareness Week and My Money Week. As part of Talk Money Week run by Money & Pensions Service, MoneySense helped parents and families explore topics including budgeting, credit scores, savings and fraud to support conversations about money.

MoneySense reached 1 million young people during 2024. In September, we ran a competition for schools to win a visit from a Team GB athlete, reaching 600 new teachers and over 155,000 students across five weeks.

NatWest Thrive

NatWest Thrive, our financial wellbeing and life readiness programme, aims to build on that heritage by helping young people develop the mindset, self-belief, and skills they need to feel more confident about their financial future. Over 1.1 million young people reached in 2024. We want help them feel more confident about their future through our NatWest Thrive programme.

To find out more, please see page 89 of our 2024 Sustainability Report.

Supporting access and building confidence