
Climate and Sustainable Funding and Financing

As part of supporting our customers’ transition to net zero, we have a target to provide £100 billion climate and sustainable funding and financing (CSFF) between July 2021 and the end of 2025.

NatWest Group uses its Climate and Sustainable Finance Inclusion Criteria (CSFFI criteria) (PDF 284KB)1 to determine the assets, activities and companies that are eligible to be included within its climate and sustainable funding and financing targets. 

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(1) For the year ended 31 December 2024, the NatWest Group CSFFI criteria published in March 2024 were used to determine eligible assets, activities and companies for inclusion. For the year ended 31 December 2023, our CSFFI criteria published in December 2022 were applied. For the year ended 31 December 2022, our CSFFI criteria published in October 2021 were applied. For the period ended 31 December 2021, the CSFFI criteria published in February 2021 were applied. Lending to personal customers for properties with EPC A and B ratings was included within climate and sustainable funding and financing reporting from 1 July 2021. NatWest Group’s own Green, Social and Sustainability (GSS) bond issuances are not included in the table below. Climate and sustainable funding and financing represents only a relatively small portion of our overall funding and financing. Full details of the latest CSFFI criteria can be found at natwestgroup.com

Our Climate and Sustainable Funding and Financing target

As part of supporting our customers’ transition to net zero, we have a target to provide £100 billion climate and sustainable financing and funding between 1 July 2021 and the end of 2025. As part of this target, we aim to provide at least £10 billion of lending for EPC A and B residential properties between1 January 2023 and the end of 2025. NatWest Group uses its climate and sustainable financing and funding inclusion (CSFFI) criteria1 to determine the assets,1 activities and companies that are eligible to be included within its climate and sustainable funding and financing target.

Since 1 July 2021 NatWest Group had provided £93.4 billion of climate and sustainable funding and financing by 31 December 2024 (£31.5 billion in 2024)2 

This consisted of £80.5 billion (£27.8 billion in 2024) contributed by Commercial & Institutional (including NatWest Markets £48.1 billion (£17.7 billion in 2024), and RBS International £6.1 billion (£1.6 billion in 2024)), as well as, £12.0 billion from Retail Banking (£3.3 billion in 2024) and, £0.9 billion Private Banking (£0.4 billion in 2024).

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