
NatWest Group has been awarded the Sustainable Markets Initiative’s Terra Carta Seal.


The Terra Carta Seal recognises organisations that are demonstrating their commitment to, and momentum towards, the creation of sustainable markets.


As one of the UK’s biggest banks for retail customers, and a leading lender to business, we have a clear role to play in supporting our customers achieve their climate and sustainability ambitions. Therefore, we believe that the actions that we take on climate change matter, because every stage of the transition to net zero needs to be financed.


Alison Rose DBE, Chief Executive Officer of NatWest Group said:

“NatWest Group is committed to playing a leading role in the UK helping to address the climate challenge. Receiving the Terra Carta Seal is a recognition of the progress we have been making towards our purpose and climate ambitions. Thank you to the SMI for recognising our efforts, and to all our NatWest Group teams for their commitment to creating sustainable markets, and passion for nature, people and the planet.”


Brian Moynihan, Co-Chair, Sustainable Markets Initiative said:

“The SMI brings CEOs together to work on the shared goals of accelerating our transition to a sustainable future. I congratulate those organisations recognised with the 2022 Terra Carta Seal and thank them for their commitment to sustainable markets.”

About the Seal

The Terra Carta Seal is the SMI’s recognition of global corporations that are demonstrating their commitment to, and momentum towards, the creation of genuinely sustainable markets.

Find out more about the Seal. 

About the Sustainable Markets Initiative

In his former role as His Royal Highness The Prince of Wales, His Majesty King Charles III launched the Sustainable Markets Initiative (SMI) at Davos in January 2020. The SMI is a network of global CEOs across industries working together to build prosperous and sustainable economies that generate long-term value through the balanced integration of natural, social, human, and financial capital.

Read more: www.sustainable-markets.org


What is the Terra Carta?   

In his former role as The Prince of Wales, His Majesty King Charles III, launched the Terra Carta at the One Planet Summit in January 2021. The 10 Terra Carta Articles guide organisations in how to put Nature, people and planet at the heart of its value creation. The Terra Carta serves as the mandate for the SMI and provides a practical roadmap for acceleration towards an ambitious and sustainable future; one that will harness the power of Nature combined with the transformative power, innovation, and resources of the private sector.


Read more: www.sustainable-markets.org/terra-carta



What is the Terra Carta Seal?

The Terra Carta Seal is SMI’s recognition of global corporations that are demonstrating their commitment to, and momentum towards, the creation of genuinely sustainable markets. The Terra Carta Seal is an invitation only process. The award is for global corporations sourced from the Corporate Knights Global Top 100 and key members of the SMI Taskforce.  SMI awards it to firms that SMI’s partner Corporate Knights have assessed as: (i) aligning themselves with the Terra Carta, (ii) driving innovation and leadership within their industry and (iii) having credible transition roadmaps underpinned by globally recognised, scientific metrics for achieving net-zero by 2050 or sooner. The Terra Carta Seal acknowledges each recipient is at a different point in their transition towards a sustainable future, the Terra Carta Seal focusses on the commitment to and progress already made within these respective journeys, rather than historical actions taken.


Read more: https://www.sustainable-markets.org/terra-carta-seal/intro/


This announcement is published by NatWest Group plc (together with its subsidiaries “NatWest Group”), for information and reference purposes only and is intended to provide non-exhaustive, indicative and general information only, it does not purport to be comprehensive, and it does not provide any form of legal, tax, investment, accounting, financial or other advice. Recipients should make their own independent evaluation of this information and no action should be taken, solely relying on it. NatWest Group makes no representation or warranty (express or implied) of any kind, as regards the accuracy or completeness of this information, nor does it accept any responsibility or liability for any loss or damage arising in any way from any use made of or reliance placed on, this information.


For more information on our activity on climate, environment, social and governance matters, please see NatWest Group’s 2021 Climate-related Disclosures Report (PDF 15.8MB) and NatWest Group’s 2021 Environmental, Social and Governance Supplement (PDF 15MB).

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