
Compliance and conduct

In order to succeed with customers, it’s important we behave and act in a way that meets their expectations. We aim to follow high standards of business conduct, helping us to stay compliant with legal and regulatory requirements, and meet the behavioural expectations of our customers and stakeholders.  

To help drive the right behaviours in our organisation, we have four key tools which guide the way we work and behave:

The importance of risk culture

Our approach to risk culture, under the banner of intelligent risk-taking, ensures a focus on robust risk management behaviours and practices. This approach, in line with our strategy and our values across all three lines of defence, enables us to support better customer outcomes, develop a stronger and more sustainable business. During 2024, we continued to evolve the five key outcomes to deliver on the intelligent risk-taking approach. These outcomes focused on behaviours, leadership, risk practices, decision-making and roles and responsibilities. 


We want our colleagues, and all those we interact with, to feel confident to raise concerns about wrongdoing or misconduct without fear of retaliation. Speak Up is our formal whistleblowing framework, which enables individuals to report concerns in confidence, and anonymously if preferred, through a secure reporting system operated by an independent third party. This includes all employees and those acting on behalf of or representing NatWest Group such as contractors, subcontractors, suppliers, temporary staff, secondees, consultants, interns and volunteers. This also includes any persons formerly in these roles.

We do not tolerate any form of harassment or discrimination and any incident reported that is substantiated could result in disciplinary action. Where reports were substantiated, appropriate action was taken to rectify the situation, following discussion with human resources and the respective business unit. 

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