
Our approach to climate change

We have an ambition to be net zero across our financed emissions, assets under management and our operational value chain by 2050, aligned with the UK’s legal commitment to be net zero by 2050.

Our sustainability-related ambitions and targets

2024 progress

We have an ambition to be net zero across our financed emissions, assets under management and our operational value chain by 2050. This aligns with the UK’s legal commitment to be net zero by 2050. 

The scale of our current emissions varies across different activities with approximately 90% related to Scope 3 category 15 financed emissions (customer Scope 1 and 2 from our lending and investments). A further 7% relates to our assets under management (AUM) and 3% to our operational value chain. 

For further details of our emissions footprint and progress refer to pages 23 to 26 of the 2024 Sustainability Report

We aim to help our customers on their journey toward a net-zero economy, including engaging on how NatWest Group could support their transition ambitions. We continue to monitor progress on supplier and fund decarbonisation and support institutional investors as they seek to decarbonise their portfolios. 

During 2024 we continued to integrate climate considerations into our decision-making processes, including starting to roll-out our Climate Decisioning Framework (CDF) tools on a test-and-learn basis. 

For further details on our Climate transition plan refer to pages 27 to 34 and pages 64 to 75 of the 2024 Sustainability Report

For further details on our external dependencies refer to pages 39 and 40 of the 2024 Sustainability Report.

Sustainability-related opportunities: products and propositions

Our products and services support a wide range of customers, from individuals, families and small businesses through to mid-sized and large commercial customers as well as large institutions.

Our retail, corporate, investment and advisory product offer aims to deliver sustainability-related solutions and tailored expertise to meet our customers’ varied needs. 74% of responders to our Future Fit (1) research in 2024 believe sustainability investments have the potential to provide real competitive advantage by increasing their attractiveness to customers and employees. 68% of businesses say all their investments in sustainability are tied to long-term commercial objectives.

As our customers’ needs evolve over time, we aim to continually improve and deepen our understanding of how we can enhance our service offer to deliver disciplined growth while embracing new technology to support bank-wide simplification.

We also understand our role in supporting the wider communities we serve, across the UK. It’s why some of our propositions reach beyond our customer base, from supporting financial resilience and providing free-to-access sustainability advice, to empowering entrepreneurship through our accelerator network.

Implementing our Climate transition plan supports progress against our bank-wide strategic priorities

NatWest Group’s Climate transition plan is developed and executed within the broader context of the UK’s decarbonisation and the UK Climate Change Act, under which the UK committed to achieve net zero by 2050. The UK’s net-zero target sets the pace of the transition including technology developments to support net zero and customer demand for sustainable finance products and services, which are key enablers of NatWest Group’s Climate transition plan. Read more about our dependence on government policy on pages 39 and 40 of the 2024 Sustainability Report

Climate-related opportunities are assessed and prioritised at NatWest Group level and across our business segments via our integrated governance model. Climate related opportunities and their potential financial impacts are assessed annually as part of the continued integration of our Climate transition plan with the financial plan and related processes. Climate-related risks and opportunities deemed material to our five-year financial planning cycle are viewed as short-term. Medium-term is defined as within the next five to 15 years. Long-term has been defined as beyond 15 years.

We understand that significant investment in climate change mitigation and adaptation will be necessary for the global economy to transition to net zero. This represents an opportunity for capital providers and for the public and private sectors to work together to support the technological advances necessary to meet societal need.

The tables below indicate how actions taken as part of our Climate transition plan and broader engagement with industry participants have the potential to contribute towards our bank-wide strategic goals.

Climate transition plan: progress update

We have continued to progress our Climate transition plan to support our 2050 net-zero ambition across our financed emissions, assets under management and operational value chain. Due to the relative materiality of the emissions associated with our financing activity the following pages focus on our financed emissions, which comprise 90% of our total emissions, including actions taken to achieve our 2030 ambition to at least halve the climate impact of our financing activity, against a 2019 baseline.


Approach to developing our Climate transition plan 

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