Companies by region
This site features pages about nearly 250 companies that have come together over the centuries to form today’s NatWest Group. As well as a brief history of each company, the pages give details of publications about them, an overview of relevant records in our archives and links to other archives which also hold related records.
You can browse the companies either alphabetically by bank name or geographically (UK banks only). Note that banks are only listed under the region of their head office location. Many also operated branches in other regions.
The list only includes each bank’s current or last trading name. If you are looking for a name and can’t find it here, it may be an earlier or alternative version. Try searching this site for all or part of the name.
Regional listing
Channel Islands
Guernsey Commercial Banking Co Ltd
East Midlands
Chesterfield & North Derbyshire Banking Co
Crompton & Evans' Union Bank Ltd
Crompton, Newton & Co (Chesterfield)
Derby & Derbyshire Banking Co Ltd
Northamptonshire Union Bank Ltd
Nottingham & Nottinghamshire Banking Co Ltd
Pares's Leicestershire Banking Co Ltd
Robinson, James & Charles, & Co
Smith, Samuel, & Co (Nottingham)
East of England
Isle of Man
Alliance Bank Ltd (London & Liverpool)
Bank of England's Western Branch
Davison, Noel, Templer, Middleton & Wedgwood
Dimsdale, Fowler, Barnard & Dimsdales
Esdaile, Sir James, Esdaile, Grenfell, Thomas & Co
Hammersley, Greenwood & Brooksbank
International Westminster Bank Ltd
London, Commercial & Cripplegate Bank Ltd
Pole, Thornton, Free, Down & Scott
Sapte, Muspratt, Banbury, Nix & Co
Union of London & Smiths Bank Ltd
Unity Joint Stock Mutual Banking Association
North East England
North West England
Ashton, Stalybridge, Hyde & Glossop Bank Ltd
Brocklehurst, William, John & Thomas, & Co
Nantwich & South Cheshire Joint Stock Bank
National Bank of Liverpool Ltd
Northern & Central Bank of England
Southport & West Lancashire Banking Co Ltd
Whitehaven Joint Stock Banking Co Ltd
Woodcock, Thomas, Sons & Eckersley
Northern Ireland
Republic of Ireland
Grafton Savings & Building Society
Guinness Permanent Building Society
Postal Service Permanent Building Society
Commercial Bank of Scotland Ltd
Commercial Banking Co of Aberdeen
Company of Scotland Trading to Africa and the Indies
National Commercial Bank of Scotland Ltd
South and South-East England
Isle of Wight Joint Stock Bank
South West England
Haythorne, Joseph, & George Wright
Miles, Miles, Harford, Miles & Miles
Tugwell, Brymer, Clutterbuck & Co
Whitmarsh, Henry, & William Lambert White
West Midlands
Croxon, Jones & Co (Old Bank) Ltd
Lichfield, Rugeley & Tamworth Banking Co
Yorkshire and Humber
Beckett & Co, York & East Riding Bank
Bradford Commercial Joint Stock Banking Co Ltd
Cooke, Vernon, Walker, Jackson & Milner
Knaresborough & Claro Banking Co Ltd